Monday, September 22, 2008


Finally! Someone else in Rome appreciates church ceilings as much as I do! And they have discovered a way to circumvent the sore neck syndrome that comes with craning your neck back a full 90 degrees to admire them. A mirror! What genius. Here I am looking into the mirror, along with a fellow ceiling admirer. 

As I mentioned earlier, there is a cat sanctuary in the ruins of some temples here in Rome, and they are cared for, vaccinated, cleaned, fed, etc. by a group of old English women. They run a daily tour at 4PM through the ruins to meet the cats, but I seem to always miss it! It will be at the top of my priority list when Genevieve and Cooper are here, however. What could be better?! Anyway, I had a very intense moment with this particular cat, that was staring at me from 20 ft. below - either he was immensely pleased that I was taking his picture, or extremely upset that I was invading his privacy.

Those were my great events of the weekend! I am going tonight to look at an apartment that my director wants Christina and I to move into. After a week-long hold up with the other one, he's found this newer, nicer one, which he says (although he always does) that we can move into tomorrow. More on this later... I hope the kitchen's nice!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am planning on adopting all of those cats. And going on a special hunt to find the one that was dragged away with a noose on Christmas...I'M COMING CHERIE.